RDP Hijacking and RDP Brute Force Attacks

RDP Hijacking and RDP Brute Force Attacks

RDP Hijacking and RDP Brute Force Attacks are two common methods used by attackers to gain unauthorised access to remote systems. Here’s a brief explanation of each:​

RDP Hijacking: ​

This involves an attacker taking over a previously disconnected Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session, allowing them to gain access to a system without needing to steal the user’s credentials1. The attacker can then move laterally across the network, often remaining undetected as they appear to be the authorised user whose session they’ve hijacked.

RDP Brute Force Attacks: ​

In this type of attack, hackers use network scanners to identify IP and TCP port ranges used by RDP servers. They then attempt to gain access to a system using brute-force tools or stolen credentials3. The attack involves a computer program trying every password it can think of until it guesses correctly or decides to try its list of passwords on a different computer3.​

Both methods pose significant security risks, and it’s crucial to implement strong security measures to protect against them. This can include using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, regularly updating and patching systems, and limiting the number of users who can access RDP.

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    wE-1 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R420.00
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    Total Price: R530.00
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    Total Price: R560.00
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    Total Price: R640.00
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    Total Price: R860.00
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    Total Price: R1,210.00
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    Total Price: R1,315.00
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    Total Price: R1,505.00
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    Total Price: R1,685.00
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    Total Price: R2,140.00

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