Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At times, Technolutions Connected Services will collect certain personal information about our customers and visitors to website.
The two types of personal information is identifiable personal information, and non-identifiable personal information. Identifiable personal information will be collected when signing up for a service via some form of contract in whichever form. Non-identifiable personal information is gathered automatically when you visit our website. Except where the law requires otherwise, we undertake to protect the confidentiality of such data.


We undertake to protect the confidentiality information of our customers including all personal information supplied when signing up with Technolutions Connected Services. None of your personal information will be shared in any way with a 3rd party.

Collection of Personal Data

The forms of data collection are either thru subscribing to a monthly service; e-mail branding/marketing, in response to a questionnaire; and through cookies. A cookie is a data file that sits on your PC. A remote server places this when visiting a website to uniquely identify you during all your interactions with our sites. If you wish not to receive cookies you can disable this on your PC.

Usage of Personal Data

Technolutions Connected Services may on occasion use your personal information to contact you about promotional offers; advise you of matters relevant to service provision, with the option to opt out if you are not interested in being contacted, or alternatively phone our customer services on 021 203 5223 or email Technolutions Connected Services may log the websites you visit; collect IP addresses and information about your operating system and the type of browser you use for the purposes of network/system administration; to report aggregate information to our advertisers, and to audit the use of our site. This data however will not be used to identify individual users who will at all times remain anonymous. Any information Technolutions Connected Services collects from you through correspondence with us, whether via e-mail, telephonically will only be used to address the matters within that correspondence. If this requires referring such correspondence within Technolutions Connected Services or to a third party to ensure customer service, your personal information will only be disclosed to the point necessary to address your query or concerns, and will otherwise be kept confidential.

Public Space

Any information that customers disclose in a public space, including on any bulletin board, chat room or any site Technolutions Connected Services may host for you, is available to anyone else who visits that space. Technolutions Connected Services cannot safeguard any information you disclose there.

Website Links

Technolutions Connected Services’s website may contain links to sites that belong to third parties unrelated to us. Technolutions Connected Services cannot be held responsible for any use of your personal information arising from you disclosing personal such information on third party sites.

Parent Consent

Technolutions Connected Services will not enter into any contract with a minor unless such minor has explicit written consent from a parent to do so. Technolutions Connected Services undertakes not to contact minors about promotional offers or for marketing purposes without a parental consent.

Reservation of Rights

Technolutions Connected Services reserves the right to disclose information about customers where required in good faith, to do so by law or to exercise our legal rights or defend ourselves against legal claims. Technolutions Connected Services further reserves the right to share information with law enforcement to investigate or prevent illegal activities being committed over our network. Technolutions Connected Services reserves our rights to disclose your personal information where you have given us explicit legal electronic consent to do so. Technolutions Connected Services reserves the right to monitor user and network traffic for site security purposes and prevent any unauthorised attempts to tamper with our site or cause damage to our property. Technolutions Connected Services reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy or update it. Where a major change is made, customers will be informed by e-mail notification or through a notice on our website. Customers and site visitors bear the responsibility to ensure that they have read the changes or updates as the case may be.

    wE-1 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R420.00
    wE-2 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R530.00
    wE-3 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R560.00
    wE-4 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R640.00
    wE-5 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R860.00
    wE-6 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R1,210.00
    wE-7 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R1,315.00
    wE-8 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R1,505.00
    wE-9 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R1,685.00
    wE-10 Price Breakdown
    Total Price: R2,140.00

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